3D Design Services

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Why design in 3D? 

The 3D space has many advantages over the 2D one. A photorealistic look can be achieved which might be time consuming to achieve through drawing or painting in 2D. Also once an object is created in 3D it is easier to animate it then it is to animate a digital painting or drawing.
3D animations and still shots can have a very unique and fascinating look. As such they easily capture the viewers gaze and their attention - vital for marketing purposes!

3D design is also ideal for prototyping. Show your product to your investors and costumers before it even exists!

Illustrations for websites, printed texts, covers, etc. can look beautiful and eye catching in 3D.

Let me create beautiful and mesmerizing animations and illustrations of your products!

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How can 3D design improve my business?

3D design is eye-catching and modern. Many people got to love its look via video games and movies. Ads on social media, images on websites and in amgazines in 3D draw the attention of your potential audience towards your products

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These are the services I offer:


Showing all sides of a product before it has even been made. Saving on investments since real life shots are equipment and staff heavy. Visualizing of abstract, surreal and fantastic ideas in motion - all this and more can be achieved with the help of 3D animation.

Some examples:

T&T Turntable Animation

Tweaked&Twisted Music is an independent producer of electronic music based in Berlin. They needed an affordable yet eye catching music video to promote their music on social media.The result is a mix of 3D animation and classic 2D video editing and visual FX.

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T&T Boombox

A very short promo video for Tweaked&Twisted's Soundcloud account.

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3xTea Product Shot

3xTea wanted to introduce their new branding and packaging design to their audience on social media to gather feedback in advance before the product launch.

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Illustration in 3D

What are 3D illustrations?

Instead of using pen&paper or a 2D drawing app the designer uses a 3D program to create an illustration. This creates quite a different and very modern, up-to-date look and feel when compared to 2D media.

Hot all night

A 3D illustration for an article about global warming and its effects on urban living. The author chose 3D because using a classic 2D composition e.g. in Photoshop would have been more costly and the look quite different.

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Product Visualizations

Product visualization in 3D enhances customer experience by providing realistic, interactive views of products. It aids in better understanding, customization, and decision-making, ultimately boosting engagement and sales.

Empathy Vegan Cosmetics

Empathy wanted to present their new labels, branding and packaging design to their costumers to receive feedback before the production starts.

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Dr. Gonzo's Gum Drops

Dr. Gonzo wanted to present their new product idea to stakeholders and investors. A 3D product visualization and animation were an ideal medium to do so. Even the gum drops themselves are 3D!

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Why is Arthur Schmidt-Pabst best suited to do my 3D design jobs?

Allow me to support you in making your products even more  useful, beautiful and magic!

Arthur Schmidt-Pabst: a name synonymous with sleek, smart design.
His work consists of a blend of function and whimsy that captures the eye and engages the mind.

Arthur’s designs don’t just look good; they tell a story, making every pixel count in the grand narrative of visual communication.

Short, sweet, and to the design point—that’s Arthur for you!

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The magic touch!

Let's work together!

I am available for freelance work in UI/UX design, graphic design, web design and illustration in 2d and 3d.

Allow me to support you in making your product / service even more appealing and usable. Together we can make your company be seen and appreciated by ever more people!

Let's do magic together!

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